Rheumatoid Arthritis
Certainly, rheumatoid arthritis can be a severe disabling condition. Pain and inflammation is seen in the synovial area surrounding the joints of the knees, shoulders, hands, feet and hips. Symptoms are usually bilateral (on both sides) and flare and wane. Scientists generally agree genetic and environmental factors both contribute to RA. Some of the environmental factors are:
- Stress
- Acute and chronic infections
- Food sensitivities
- Intestinal Imbalances
- Heavy metal toxicity
Certainly, many of these environmental factors are changeable. However, we need to know what to change! In addition we need to know how to change it. This is what lab testing is for.
Lab tests we perform for RA are:
Comprehensive Stool Analysis: evaluating intestinal bacteria, parasites, yeast and markers of incomplete food digestion.
Organic Acid testing: Evaluates for metabolic imbalances, but most importantly toxin markers for yeast and clostridia.
Food sensitivity tests: This looks for IgE and IgG antibody reactivity to various food.
Gluten sensitivity testing: Gluten proteins can be a highly reactive food that trigger inflammation and autoimmunity reactivity.
Certainly, dietary changes are always necessary with RA. Gluten, eggs. dairy, nightshades are a consideration. IgG food sensitivity will help us decide which direction to go with diet. Oxalates need to be evaluated. In conclusion, RA is treatable effectively without harmful medication.
Therefore, if you are ready to take control of your health click on the link below.
Fun Fact!
Your cells are like miniature cities. In other words, cells have manufacturing areas, waste and recycling areas. In addition, they have transportation areas and even a post office with zip codes! There are hundreds of different types of molecular machines accomplishing these tasks. These machines literally perform work such as torquing, ratcheting and pulling or pushing molecules. Scientists are just now discovering how these machines work on a molecular level.